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Spotlight and pinning speakers in Meeting rooms and Webinar events
Spotlight and pinning speakers in Meeting rooms and Webinar events
Updated over 3 months ago

In meeting rooms and webinar events, hosts can spotlight or pin the speakers so they are featured in the attendees' view, and in the recording.

The default view when people join the meeting or webinar is "Gallery view", where all attendees, speakers, and panelists are shown on the screen in a grid.

The platform prioritizes and displays members who are actively speaking to the front of the grid. The video feed tiles for each member will display with the pinned or spotlit members first, then hosts → panelists → and attendees who are actively speaking. This sequence will show in both gallery or speaker view, and when someone is screen sharing.

Note: The default, gallery view will also be what is shown in the recording, unless you spotlight speakers or attendees.

Hosts & Staff

Assigned hosts & staff can change the display for all attendees and the recording.


As the host or staff member, you can spotlight speakers to feature them in the display to end users.

  1. Hover over the participant that you’d like to spotlight.

  2. Select the three-dot icon in the upper right-hand corner and select Spotlight.

  3. To undo the spotlight, follow the steps above and select Remove Spotlight.

Note: You can spotlight multiple people at once, but cannot change the order/position of the spotlit participants. Up to nine attendees can be spotlit at the same time.


The view that you configure by spotlighting is what will show in the recording.

The best practice is to spotlight whomever you want to be featured in the recording!

Learn more about manipulating the view in the recording here.

Event Attendees

Individual participants can change their local display in a few ways.

Changing the view

Select the View button in the upper right-hand side of the video screen to switch from gallery to speaker view.

  • Selecting Speaker view will feature the person actively speaking (if no one is spotlit), or the spotlit speaker(s). All other attendees will populate across the top of the screen.

  • Selecting Gallery view will populate all attendees on the screen in a grid.

Pinning attendees

Select the three-dot icon within an attendee’s profile card and select Pin. This will pin that participant as the first in the display for the user.

Note: Changes to the view and pinning attendees affect the display for the individual user only.

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