and Profile questions

Customize the questions you ask members to complete when signing up, and completing their profile in your community. Ask questions that will help users get to know one another, search for new connections and aid you in understanding your community makeup and demographics.

Sign-up questions 

These are the few questions asked of members at initial sign-up. These few questions must be present at sign-up as they are mandatory identifiers that build a user’s profile right off the bat.

Note: These are not applicable if using a single-sign-on (SSO) that is not Gradual. 

Email: The unique identifier in Gradual is the member’s email address, so that field is mandatory. Email addresses are hidden on the front end to protect users and encourage engagement and connection within Gradual. 

Because an email address stands as the unique identifier of a member, if a member wants to change their email address, a new profile must be created for them with that email address.

Name: First Name and Last Name are suggested mandatory fields for signing up, but can be translated to 'user name' if needed.

Preferred nickname can be added as an optional question, too. 

Company & Title: Company and job title are suggested mandatory fields for signing up round out the users' initial profile.

We also suggest including their LinkedIn URL as an optional sign-up field to encourage connection and outreach. 

Profile Questions

Completing their profile is the second step in member onboarding. While it's not mandatory for them to complete their profile, to fully engage in messaging and events - message other members, submit comments and questions in channels and live chat during events - members must complete their profile by answering any required profile questions.

As the community admin, you can add as many or as few questions in the profile as you’d like, make only certain questions required, and structure them so members can learn more about each other, and you, about your members!

You can now add and customize all profile questions by adding member properties and compiling an onboarding form.

Learn more about Member Properties here.

Learn more about building an Onboarding Form here.

Here is an example of a profile complete with a number of profile questions - both public and private (only visible to user and admin)

Subcommunity Profile Questions

If you are utilizing subcommunities or groups, you can ask unique questions to members of each subcommunity. Gather information about the subgroup that's different from the parent community, and is more applicable to the members of the subcommunity.

Or, ask identical profile questions, that are mirrored from the parent community to the linked subcommunity. The system will automatically link any profile questions that are identical in the parent and the connected subcommunity for your members and help ease the profile completion process at the start.

  • When the member completes their profile in Community 1, any identical questions' answers will be automatically populated in the linked Community 2.
  • When they go to complete their profile in Community 2, they will see the answers auto-generated, and they can make changes or approve the information at that initial onboarding.
  • All changes moving forward to the profile (past initial completion) will not be reflected in the other community.

e.g. if a member answers their superpower as "Empathy" in the parent community profile, and that question is also asked in the subcommunity, their answer of "Empathy" will auto-populate in that answer field for them when they go to complete their profile for the first time in the subcommunity. They can confirm that answer, or change it for the subcommunity profile.

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