Community Overview Page

In your dashboard, the Community Overview page gives you a screenshot of real-time data on your community.

Total Members

This is the total count of approved members in your community, including those that may have been bulk uploaded by the Gradual team, added by administrators, or have signed up themselves. There is also a live counter that will show if you have increased or decreased in total members over the last 30 days. 

Activated Members

This is the total count of approved members in your community that have signed in, 'activating' their account. There is also a live counter that will show if you have increased or decreased in activated members over the last 30 days. 

Monthly Active Users

This is the total number of active members that have logged into your community in the past 30 days. There is also a live counter that will show if you have increased or decreased in monthly active users over the last 30 days. 

Members Online

This is the total number of active members that are currently logged into your community. Refreshing the page is necessary to update this number. 


Member Statistics 

This is a graph to show you by day, week, or month, how many active members or new members have joined your community. 

New Members list

This is a list of your newest community members, and the date they joined. This list includes all members, not just activated members. 

Top Watched Videos

This is a short list of the top three most watched videos from your content collection, with the number of views populating to the right of the title. 

Top Channels

This is a short list of the top 6 (if available), most engaging channels (by comment count), with the number of posts populating to the right of the channel name. 

Upcoming Events

This is a short list of the three upcoming events in your community. The name, date, registrations and status are populated on this list, with an easy access link to view the event. You can also link out to all events from the 'See All' navigation in the upper right of this list. 

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