Creating External Content links

You can now link community members out to an external URL to access content from a website, existing database, etc. using External Content.

Create a piece of external link content

Sign into your dashboard
Navigate to Content, and External Content. Select the '+ New External Content' button in the upper right and enter all the necessary information like Title, External Link, Summary, etc. 
The external link should be the URL you want to direct the member to when they click on the piece of content in the community. 
You can limit access to certain Spaces, and tag or group them with other content pieces in Collections

Select 'Submit' to save your work, and Publish the piece of content to have it go live in your community 


External Content in your Community

Members can access all external link content from the Content tab. When they click the title or the graphic poster for the content, it will link them directly to the URL you specified. 

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