Setting Up a Custom Community URL Domain
One of the benefits of Gradual is your community is hosted on your own domain so your community members know the community is associated with and built under your brand.
Each instance (community) within Gradual lives at it's own domain. Typically, this will be a subdomain of your main website, but can also be a root domain: or
Communities cannot live at a path within a domain like
Set up
Your CNAME record should point your domain or subdomain to:
The record should also be DNS Only meaning any proxy settings should be disabled:
Gradual will issue an SSL certificate and handle TLS termination. If your domain configuration or system needs special handling, we will work with your team to find an alternative method to route traffic - just send a note to the Gradual Team.
Migrating your Gradual instance to a new Custom Domain
To migrate your existing Gradual instance to a new domain, the same domain preparation steps will be true. However, the timing of the domain change as well as some additional consideration needs to be given since the domain is active and traffic will need to be forwarded. The steps below outline the process to migrate your domain.
301 Redirects can only be done by the domain owner, so routing traffic to your new domain will need to be done in your own DNS tools.
- Community Name
- Community Description
- Email sender and address
- Company names or titles
- If using domain restriction for video hosting ensure the new domain is added to the list of allowed embedded video locations
If using the LinkedIn login integration, you must add the new callback URL (with the new domain) to the allowed callback list before Gradual makes the final change.
Here is an example of that:
If your community leverages SSO for login please get in touch with the Gradual team as there will be additional steps that need to be done to ensure a smooth transition to a new domain.