Setting Up a Custom Community URL Domain

One of the benefits of Gradual is your community is hosted on your own domain so your community members know the community is associated with and built under your brand.

Each instance (community) within Gradual lives at it's own domain. Typically, this will be a subdomain of your main website, but can also be a root domain: or

Communities cannot live at a path within a domain like

Set up

To set up a custom domain you need to have your IT or web team create a CNAME record that points your custom domain to Gradual.

Your CNAME record should point your domain or subdomain to:

The record should also be DNS Only meaning any proxy settings should be disabled:

Once the CNAME record is pointing to, send a note to the Gradual Team.

Our system will then handle the rest making sure whenever someone visits your community they see your custom domain.

Gradual will issue an SSL certificate and handle TLS termination. If your domain configuration or system needs special handling, we will work with your team to find an alternative method to route traffic - just send a note to the Gradual Team.

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