Check-in App: Terms and Agreement Acceptance
Upload terms and policies for attendees to agree to when they check into your in-person or hybrid events on the Gradual check-in app. This is a great solution when event attendees need to agree to photo releases, NDAs (Non-Disclosure & Confidentiality Agreements), etc. before engaging in events.
To install and setup the Gradual Check-In app, follow these steps.
Acceptance Setup
Within the event dashboard, you will configure and upload all policies.
Terms: the language of the agreement or policy (limited to 20,000 characters)
Acceptance Format: select if checkbox or signature is appropropriate for acceptance
Acceptance Text:the text or verbiage of the acceptance statement
Enabled on iPad Check-In App: Select if you'd like this to display on the check-in app for attendee acceptance during iPad check-in
Terms can be edited or changed up until the first attendee checks in and accepts the terms. If any attendees have accepted the terms, the terms are frozen and cannot be changed. If you need to make a change, you will need to create a new term and enable it in the check-in app by following the steps listed above.
Confirm that all policies and agreements are populating in your Gradual Check-In App on your Ipad by refreshing or restarting the app, selecting the event where you'll be enabling the acceptance prompts, and entering kiosk mode.
You will then check yourself in, and see the prompts appear to accept by signature, or by checkbox.
On-Site Experience
Kiosk Mode (Admin)
The attendees will agree and accept all terms in the Gradual Check-In app when they arrive to the event.
Kiosk Mode is the front-end experience for attendees to check in, accept terms, and print their badges. Configure kiosk mode from within the Gradual Check-In App on your iPad, by selecting the event and selecting 'Enter Kiosk Mode' to Check-In' button.
You will need to enter a four digit numerical pass code to access the admin kiosk mode.
To install and setup the Gradual CheckIn app, follow these steps.
Attendee Experience
When attendees arrive they will check in on the iPads in the Gradual Check-In app.
They will select the 'Check in by Name' button to enter their name, and confirm their name from the drop-down options. They will then be navigated to the Terms Acceptance page(s) where they will read the term(s) presented, and agree to them one by one by signature or by check box.
Once complete, their badge will print.
Check in Data
Attendees who have checked in will be updated in real time in the admin dashboard, within the event, on the Check-In List.
If you need to provide members with the terms and agreements they've accepted, reach out to the Gradual team for exports.