Email Notification Preferences

Members receive batch notifications by email when they have unread message(s) in Gradual, and to remind them when there is an upcoming event they're registered for.

At any time, members can change their preferences on the cadence of these notifications in their inbox.

Notification Settings

Members can change their settings at any time by navigating to their avatar and selecting Notification Settings.

New Messages

They can select if, and when they receive batch email notifications to the email address associated with their account: once daily, every hour, or every 15 minutes (default).

Note: They will only receive an email if they have an unread message(s) in the platform.

Event Reminders

They can also select if they'd like to receive email notifications for events like reminders and post-event survey emails.

Note: They will only receive reminders for events that they are registered for, where those automated emails are enabled.

Notifications of Forum engagement can be found in-platform from the upper right-hand side of their homepage. These notifications are linked directly to the post or comment.

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