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Event Q&A
Updated over 2 months ago

Providing question and answering (Q&A) at your virtual events is important to engage your audience and ensure they are learning from your presenters and walking away with a valuable understanding of the programming.

Event Q&A can be enabled in meeting, hybrid or livestream events. It can either be set up as general Q&A where questions are visible to all attendees, or moderated Q&A where authorized users (e.g., hosts, staff, chat moderators, and event collaborators) have to approve questions to be visible to other attendees.

General Q&A vs. Moderated Q&A

General or moderated, enabling Q&A creates a Q&A tab in the chat box for attendees to submit questions to presenters.

General Q&A

All questions are visible to everyone upon submission.

Moderated Q&A

If you choose to have your Q&A be moderated, each submitted question will not be visible to any attendees until it has been approved by hosts, staff, chat moderators, or event collaborators. Questions that have been submitted but not been approved will be labeled as "In Review", and will only be visible to hosts, staff, chat moderators, or event collaborators:

To approve the question, click on the check-mark button:

User Experience

If enabled, Q&A will populate a second tab in the chat section of the event titled "Q&A". From that tab, attendees can ask questions that will appear in the Q&A and chat thread.

Asking questions

Attendees navigate to the Q&A tab, select "Ask a Question", type in their question, and hit โ€œAskโ€ to have their question appear to the crowd, or to the moderator to approve.

You can also allow attendees to ask questions anonymously by toggling on the "Allow anonymous questions" setting in the dashboard. The author of an anonymous question cannot be identified even by hosts, staff, chat moderators, or event collaborators.

Answering questions

Authorized users such as hosts, staff, chat moderators, or event collaborators can reply directly to a question. If you are using moderated Q&A, authorized users may reply to a question before and after the question is approved. Also, it is possible to give multiple replies to a question. An authorized user can either click on the text of a submitted question or click on the ellipsis button and then select "Type answer" to reply directly to a question:

Doing so will lead the user to a page where they can submit, edit, delete, or view replies:

Each reply can be up to 500 characters.

Deleting questions

Attendees can delete their questions at any time by selecting the trash icon beside their questions. Chat moderators, hosts, or event collaborators can also delete questions and see all deleted questions.


Attendees can select the thumbs-up icon to vote for questions they support and the platform will show chat moderators, hosts, or event collaborators the most popular questions.

Dashboard Settings

Learn how to enable Q&A in your upcoming events, and how to moderate and best engage with the audience during Q&A in this resource.

Note: Q&A cannot be enabled in 1:1 Match events or Roundtables.

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