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Onboarding form and building profile questions
Onboarding form and building profile questions
Updated over 3 months ago

The onboarding form takes the member properties built and allows you to prompt profile questions to the members when they complete their profiles.

Reminder: Users can see and engage with some components of your community before onboarding, or completing their profile, but must fill out all mandatory fields to message other members, chat in events, and connect over video in events, roundtables, and networking matches.

If you'd like to make profile completion mandatory to attend virtual events outright enable that requirement in Events → Settings → 'Onboarding Required to Join Events'.

If enabled, members without complete or confirmed profiles will be prompted with the profile completion pop-up when joining virtual events.

You must start in the member properties settings as they are used to build the onboarding or profile questions in your community. Reference this resource to build and edit member properties.

From the Onboarding Form page, you can customize the questions in their format, if they’re required or optional, public or private to others, and if they are filterable from the People page.

Types of Questions

Preset Questions

These questions are standard and appear on all profiles in Gradual. You can opt to make these questions required, but cannot remove them entirely.

Public Questions

These are questions that are prompted to all members and members’ responses are visible to other members. These questions can also be filterable on the People page.

Private Questions

These are questions that are prompted to all members but members’ responses are hidden to other members. Admins can see the answers to these questions in dashboard profiles and member exports.

Adding Questions

Onboarding questions are built using Member Properties, so the question must be created there before adding to the onboarding form.

  1. Navigate to the section where you’d like to add the question - Public Questions or Private Questions.

  2. Select the +Add Question button.

  3. Select a property to use as a question from the drop down.

  4. Select if the question should be required.

    1. Note: Any required questions must be completed for a member to be considered onboarded and allow them to message with other members, engage in event chats, and on video calls in meetings and 1:1 networking.

  5. Select if the question should be filterable on the People page in the community - allowing members to filter based on the answers to this question when searching members.

    1. Note: Filterable questions must be set as public, and must be single or multi-select type.

  6. Save your work by selecting ‘Add’.

If you'd like to ask for users' LinkedIn URL and/or Location, let the Gradual team know.

Editing Questions

From this page, you can edit if a question is required, or filterable on the People page by selecting the edit icon in the upper right-hand of the block.

You can also sort the questions in the order you’d like them to appear by dragging and dropping the hamburger icon at the top of the block. This sorting will change the order of the member properties, too.

If you’d like to change the questions’s text, options, etc. you must make all changes in the Member Properties settings, and all changes will be reflected in the onboarding form from there.

Deleting Questions

Delete questions by selecting the trash icon in the upper right corner of the block. Deleting from this page will take the question off the onboarding form and member profile page, but the data will remain in the Member Properties.

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