Event Overview Page: Settings, Analytics, and Data

For each event in your dashboard, there exists an event Overview page.

In the event Overview page, you can:

  • Publish, unpublish, or delete your event
  • Find the direct URL to your event ("Event Link")
  • View the real-time analytics of your members' activity in your event

Publish or Unpublish the Event

All events will remain unpublished until an admin or collaborator takes action to publish them. Unpublished events are hidden from the front-end of the community.

Published Events

Published events are visible, and searchable on the front end of the community.

Once you have built out the event and are ready for it to "go live" for registrations and have the event populate on the front end of the community, you must Publish it.

You can publish an event in two ways:

  • From the Overview page:
    • Select the Actions button in the upper right and select Publish
  • From the main menu in the event dashboard:
    • Select the green Publish button in the bottom left (this button will appear on all pages within the event dashboard - not just on the Overview page)


Unpublished events are hidden from members on the front end and the community home page or event page.

Keep an event unpublished while it is in draft form, or if you want it hidden from community members, and unsearchable from the community homepage.

If you need to unpublish an event, select the Actions button in the upper right, and select Unpublish.

💡 Pro Tip: Unpublished events are visible and accessible through the direct event link.
If you would like to invite certain members to register and attend an event, but don't want that event visible to all members, keep it unpublished and share the event link with only the people you'd like to register and attend!

Event Link

You may want to find the direct URL to the event page, which can be shared with potential registrants and allow attendees to sign in. It can be found near the top right of the event Overview page.

Data & Metrics

While hosting an event, you can see how many attendees are logged in and even how many are engaging in 1:1 matching.

Note: The page does not live update, so you will have to refresh the page to update the counts. 

Member Data

In the center of the page, you can see the registrations graph and recent registrations.

On the far right, you can see the analytics about attendees and registrants.

Virtual Events

For Livestream, Meeting, Webinar and 1:1 match events:

  • Live Attendees: 
    • The number of attendees currently online, logged into the event. Refreshing the page is necessary to update this number.
  • Total Matches: 
    • The cumulative number of 1:1 matches that took place during the event
  • Total Attendees Logged In: 
    • The overall number of unique attendees that have, or had logged in to the event
  • Total Registrations: 
    • The overall number of unique registrations for the event. This includes those that were logged in, or not. 

In-person and Hybrid Events

  • Total In-Person Attendees: 
    • The overall number of people who attended this event
  • Total Registrations: 
    • The overall number of unique registrations for the event

To learn more about the registrants and attendees, navigate to the Attendees tab within the Event and export a list of either group. 

You can also export event reports from the Reports tab.

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