Event Types

The Gradual platform is fully loaded with options to help you get the most out of your events and your community. This list outlines event type key features to help you get on your way. 

Note: All event types offer an event page and agenda and the ability to assign speakers and capture registrations at varying ticket types and prices.


This format is best for hosting a presentation, one-way video, and speaking content, as it allows attendees to watch the stream and engage in chat/Q&A, but not have their videos and microphones on. This option is the most robust and allows access to many different types of sessions and interactions: 1 to 1 matches, roundtables, meetings, Q&A sessions, presentations, etc. in the agenda.

Livestreams have no capacity limit to the number of attendees who can participate and engage in the event.

How to create a Livestream Event

Creating an event agenda


Webinar events are Gradual's newest event type, which combines the experience of a livestream and a meeting event. They allow you to present natively in Gradual yet provide an interactive video call for a larger audience of attendees than a meeting event. Most attendees are behind the scenes (off-screen and audio), but assigned hosts can bring attendees on screen by promoting them as panelists. Once attendees are promoted as panelists, they can present live on video and screen share.

Webinar events have an event landing page, and agenda and you can assign hosts and speakers, and capture registrations.

Webinars currently have a 350 capacity limit to the number of attendees who can actively participate and engage in the call.

We recommend all attendees log in and engage with webinars on a laptop or desktop computer. While these events support attendees logging in on a mobile device, the feature is in beta and still being tested and verified.

  • If you experience any issues with attendees logging in on a mobile device, please report them to support@gradual.com

Note: Webinars can be recorded natively in Gradual.


Meetings are events that function like a video call, and allow you to conduct break-out rooms and enable recording. Meeting events have an event landing page, and agenda and you can assign hosts and speakers, and capture registrations, but when an attendee joins the meeting they enter the meeting room versus a livestream environment. 

Meeting rooms can also be added within an event as a session and can appear in the agenda for event attendees to join. This use case is great for a single meeting or discussion within a larger Livestream event. All users have the ability to be on camera and audio and to screen share in Meetings. Hosts can configure breakout rooms, as well. 

Meetings currently have a 125 capacity limit to the number of attendees who can actively participate and engage in the call.

We recommend all attendees log in and engage with the meeting event on a laptop or desktop computer. Meeting events can support attendees logging in on a mobile device, but the feature is in beta and still being tested and verified.

  • If you experience any issues with attendees logging in on a mobile device, please report them to support@gradual.com

Note: Meeting events can be recorded natively in Gradual.

How to create a stand-alone meeting room event (break out rooms + recording enabled)

How to create a meeting room within an event

1:1 Match

This event type allows users to be matched 1 on 1 with other members in a more intimate setting and for a shorter amount of time. Interested parties will opt into the matching experience, be put into a queue, and paired randomly with another attendee who’s opted in to the experience. Members are paired for a 10 minute video call with another attendee and have the opportunity to approve or disapprove their suggested match without notifying the other party. Those who do engage in this feature can access their match history from the Match tab, too. This feature is available 24/7 to members at the community level (if turned on), or you can set aside time in your event’s agenda to direct attendees to engage in this networking opportunity.

1:1 Match events have no capacity limit to the number of attendees who can participate and engage in the networking event.

1:1 Match events are not currently mobile-friendly so users must attend on a laptop or desktop computer.

Note: While the initial call is set for only 10 minutes, if the call is going well and they’d like to extend the time, the participants can from within the call. 

💡 Pro Tip: Set aside time in your agenda to have folks pair with other attendees through Match as a great networking opportunity and break from the livestreaming. 

How to create a 1 to 1 Match event


The In-Person event type is used for any live, in-person events you are hosting. They differ from the other event types as they require a physical address in the event setup and don’t have video streaming options. In the dashboard, you can check in members, register new attendees on site, and export lists of attendees.

In-person events have no capacity limit to the number of attendees who can participate and engage in the event.

In-Person events are compatible with the Gradual Check-In app and the Gradual Go event mobile app.

How to create In-Person event

Manage on-site check ins


The Hybrid event type is used for events that have elements and sessions that are live and in-person, plus sessions or elements that are virtual. They require a physical address in the event setup to guide those showing up on-site, but also have video streaming options, and interactive video engagement options available.

Hybrid events have no capacity limit to the number of attendees who can participate and engage in the event.

Hybrid events are compatible with the Gradual Check-In app and the Gradual Go event mobile app.

All about hybrid events


Roundtables are not an event type, but an option for interactive video calls at the community level, or within a livestream event. They allow for more organic and free-flowing group interaction over video calls. Roundtables have set time slots and can be open for users to enter and exit rooms on-demand, either at the community level or from within an event. Users don’t need to register for a Roundtable and can join them at their leisure as long as the room is active. The display shows who’s the host, who’s in the room, and how many seats are available. All users in the roundtable are on video, on audio, and can screen share. Hosts can configure breakout rooms, as well. 

Roundtables currently have a 125 capacity limit to the number of attendees who can actively participate and engage in the call.

Roundtables are not currently mobile-friendly so users must attend on a laptop or desktop computer.

Note: Recording is now enabled in roundtables within events!

How to create a Roundtable

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