
The Gradual Collaborators feature allows you to add members to collaborate with you in your community's event management and content creation. You can define specific permissions for collaborators and assign multiple permissions to different members without giving the collaborator(s) access to the entire dashboard, member list, settings, etc. This is a great solution for community members, contractors, etc. to get involved in your community engagement!

Here's an overview of the collaborators feature:

If you'd like to enable the Collaborators feature in your community, reach out to the Gradual team.

Add Collaborators

All collaborators are added by admins in the dashboard. Collaborators must be community members before they can be assigned collaborator rights and permissions.

Here's an overview of how to add collaborators:

If you'd like to add collaborators to manage the Clubs - chapters and interest groups - within your community, follow these steps.

Collaborators Permissions

Permission levels can be set for each individual collaborator, and be as granular as setting the type(s) of events or content they can create and manage. All of these permissions are set by admins in the dashboard and will be reflected in real-time in the collaborators' dashboard.

A collaborator can be granted permission to create and edit events or content, or both events and content.

Event Creator Permissions:

Admins can set or edit the permission level for collaborators in the dashboard by adding the member as a collaborator or selecting the edit icon beside the collaborator's name.

Permission Levels:

There are three permission levels but all levels can edit details of the event, and moderate chat and Q&A.

Event Admin: This collaborator has essentially all the same permissions as a full admin, but can only collaborate on events. They can create, edit, publish and unpublish events and delete events entirely. This level can also import or add new registrants to events, and export attendee lists that include the email addresses of attendees.

Event Manager: This collaborator can create, edit, publish and unpublish events but cannot delete events entirely. They can also export attendee lists, but their exports will not include email addresses of attendees.

Event Editor: This collaborator can create and edit events but cannot publish, unpublish or delete events entirely. They have access to the attendee list within their dashboard but cannot export the list.

Types of Events:

Select which type(s) of event(s) the collaborator can manage by selecting or de-selecting the event types at the base of the permissions pop-up. The permission level set above will apply to whatever type(s) of events are selected.

You can also add a user as a collaborator within the event in the 'Permissions' tab.

Content Creator Permissions:

Types of Content:

Select which type(s) of content the collaborator can create and manage by selecting the content type on the left-hand side. You can set permission levels for each type of content, granting them permission for just the types you'd like them to collaborate on creating and managing.

Permission Levels:

Admin: This collaborator has essentially all the same permissions as a full admin, but can only collaborate on content. They can create, edit, publish and unpublish content pieces and delete them entirely.

Manager: This collaborator can create, edit, publish and unpublish content pieces but cannot delete them entirely.

Editor: This collaborator can create and edit content pieces but cannot publish, unpublish or delete them entirely.

Collaborators Login

Collaborators have their own dashboard to sign into to create and manage events and content pieces.

The Collaborator dashboard has the same URL of

Here's an overview of the collaborators dashboard:

Collaborators Guides

Once you have Collaborators loaded and they can access the dashboard, send them a set group of guides and support resources so they can be successful in the dashboard, and hosting events.

Link to the Collaborators Guides

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