Cancel a user's event registration

Canceling an event registration can be done by administrators on the ‘back end’ in the dashboard, or by the registrant on the ‘front end.’

As the administrator in the dashboard:

    Log into your dashboard 
    Select the event the attendee is registered for
    Select Attendees and search or scroll to the registrant
    Select the registrant’s name to access their profile
    Select the 'Cancel Registration' button in the upper right, confirm the action by clicking 'OK'


  • This action cannot be reversed, but if you need to re-register them for the event, you can manually do that by following these steps or sending them the event link to re-register.  
  • If the registrant paid a ticket fee, canceling them in the dashboard will initiate a refund from Stripe.

As the event registrant on the front end:

    Log into Gradual
    Select the event you’re registered for
    Select 'View Receipt' on the right hand side

    The receipt pop up will appear, select 'Cancel' at the base of the pop up

    Confirm cancellation by clicking 'Submit'


  • The user will not receive any automated emails moving forward (event reminders or post-event survey prompt), and if the Google Calendar integration is enabled, the calendar invite will be removed from their calendar automatically.
  • This action cannot be reversed, so if they change their mind, they will need to re-register for the event.
  • If the registrant paid a ticket fee, canceling their registration will initiate a refund from Stripe.
Here is a quick video of these steps as an event registrant:

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