Forum Moderation

Auto-Moderation Tools & Settings

Gradual has deployed several native moderation features that automatically moderate posts and comments so they are appropriate and work to deter spamming:

  • Basic profanity filter moderation will return an error to the user if their text contains profanity
    • Gradual is currently using a standard available library of profane terms in English.
    • If you have words or phrases that need to be added to or excluded from the filter parameter, please see below in 'Custom System Moderation Settings'.
  • Basic content filter moderation will return an error to the user if the text contains blanks or spaces only
  • Rate limits moderation will return an error to the user if they submit a duplicated post in quick succession
  • Filter moderation will block all ASCII text and return an error to the user

Admins to the dashboard & forum moderators are exempt from this auto-moderation as they are assumed trusted users.

System Moderation Settings

You can control profanity filtering across the entire platform from within Settings → System Settings. Changes made here will effect both the Forum and chat messages within events.

You can add words to the auto-moderated list, or add words as exceptions, that would be excluded from the profanity filter and will not be moderated.

Forum Moderation Settings

From within Forum → Forum Settings, you can control your content moderation strategy.

These settings only affect forum content and do not impact chat and Q&A features in events and channels.

Profanity Filter: Works to block posts and comments containing profane language based on a standard library of profane terms in English using Gradual

    • If you have words or phrases that need to be added to the filter parameter, please reach out to the Gradual team

The default setting is on and admins cannot disable this setting.

External Content Moderation: Works to block posts and comments containing inappropriate image content, ASCII text, etc. using Microsoft Content Moderator

The default setting is on and admins cannot disable this setting.

Anti-spam Protection: Works to block spam and phishing text and content using the Akismet tool.

The default setting is on and admins CAN disable this setting.

Forum Moderators

Appoint community members as Forum Moderators to feature, review, report, and delete posts & comments in your community's Forum.

The Forum Moderators can pin, and unpin posts, report and delete posts and comments on the front end. If they are also an admin, with access to the full dashboard, they can review reported posts and comments and take action on them in the dashboard.

If your Forum is restricted to certain Space(s), ensure the Forum Moderators are assigned to the space to access and moderate the conversations.

Front end: Pin a post

Pinning a post can be done from the main home page or within the post

Front end: Delete a post (and mark Spam if needed)

Any posts that are deleted, and deleted and marked spam by users who are Forum Moderators can be seen in the dashboard, and Forum Moderators with admin access to the dashboard can republish if needed

Deleting a post can be done from the main home page or within the post

Front end: Deleting a comment (and mark Spam if needed)

Any comments that are deleted, and deleted and marked spam by users who are Forum Moderators can be seen in the dashboard, and Forum Moderators with admin access to the dashboard can republish if needed

Deleting a comment must be done within the post

Forum Moderators can be any member of the community and do not need to have dashboard admin access (in Permissions) or collaborator access to moderate Forum on the front end. There is currently no cap on the number of moderators you can add here, and granting them access to moderate the Forum will not grant them any additional access to the main or collaborator dashboard. 

Dashboard admins are not automatically granted Forum Moderator permissions and must be added as a Forum Moderator in Forum Settings to be able to pin, unpin, and delete posts and comments on the front end, and review and moderate the reports in the dashboard.

Add Forum Moderators in the dashboard, in the Forum menu, in Forum Settings.

Report Moderation

Admins who are also assigned as Forum Moderators can manage members’ reports of problematic posts and comments in your community’s dashboard, in the Forum menu, in Report Moderation.

To be reviewed

This tab lists all comments and posts that members have reported and allows you to take action and delete the post or comment.

From this list, select the title of the post or comment to open a review report pop-up. From here, you can select the post or comment hyperlink to see it on the front end, see the poster, and when they posted. Review any report(s) made against the post or comment and see who made the report and when.

You can then make a decision and take action to ignore the report, delete the post without reason, or delete and mark spam as reasoning. 

Delete a post that's been reported

Ignore a post that's been reported

By selecting 'Ignore' this post will remain in the Forum


This tab lists all comments and posts that admin moderators have reviewed. From this list, select the title of the post or comment to open a review report pop-up. From here, you can select the post or comment hyperlink to see it on the front end, see the poster, and when they posted and the reports made against the post or comment.

You can re-publish any previously deleted posts and comments, or delete posts and comments that were previously ignored. 

By selecting 'Re-publish' this post will reappear on the Forum

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