Admin Activity Log

Major setting changes, additions, and customizations made by dashboard admins are now tracked in your community dashboard in Settings → Activity Log. This log helps admins see who and when changes are being made, and also works to notify the admin assigned in the dashboard of changes that may require attention and approval.

To see who's a dashboard administrator, check out the 'Permissions' tab in your dashboard main menu. To add or remove administrators to your dashboard, follow these steps.

What is logged?

Logged actions surround settings, integrations, permissions, and bulk member updates.

These actions can be taken by any dashboard administrator, and are not accessible by collaborators or event permissions.


The system will log any additions or changes to high-level community settings:

  • Settings → Community Settings → Community Name
  • Settings → Community Settings → Community Description
  • Settings → Community Settings → Policies
  • Settings → Community Settings → Logos
  • Settings → Sign-up Settings → Sign-up Mode
  • Settings → Sign-up Settings → Sign-Up Mode and Sign-Up Options
  • Settings → System Settings → Email Settings
  • Settings → System Settings → Community Options


The system will log any additions or changes to Integrations with your Gradual community.

  • Integrations → Add / Remove or Reconfigure any Integration


The system will log any additions or changes to Permissions: dashboard administrators or collaborators:

  • Permissions → Add / Remove Permissions
  • Collaborators → Add / Remove Collaborators


The system will log any bulk imports of members - either adding new members or updating member accounts through bulk upload:

  • Member List → Bulk Import Members

Activity Log Page

The Activity Log page can be accessed in the dashboard from Settings → Activity Log. This page shows all the abovementioned actions with detailed information on each action. See when, who, and what took place in your dashboard and sort and search dynamically by admin, activity, timeframe, and category.

Activity Log Email Notifications

The system will send the account listed as 'Admin Notification Recipient' a report when the abovementioned admin activities occur. This email notification includes who made the change, when, and a link to the activity log.

You can see or change the Admin Notification Recipient email address in Settings → System Settings → Email Settings.

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