Adding a Video

Having helpful content available to your members, including videos, is a valuable component of creating, maintaining and growing your community. 

Gradual plays your videos from the native player of the video hosting service (YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, ShowPad, Loom, etc.) which allows for native video hosting features like speed control, closed captions, quality adjustment, volume, etc. to be available to the end-user on Gradual. It also means views on Gradual will count on the video hosting video, too. 

Select  Videos on left hand side.
Select +  Add New Video button on top right.
Fill out all of the fields required for your video upload including the title, video URL, cover image, speaker, etc.
Note:  Gradual supports hosting your videos on most popular hosting sites such as Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia, ShowPad, Loom, etc. If you have a specific hosting site you’re not sure is supported, contact us and ask!
Once everything is filled out, click Submit. From there, give your video URL a try and ensure it’s populating and looking as you'd hoped.

💡 Pro Tip: Don't worry, your video isn't live yet! You can add videos without publishing them. This is a great way to pre-load content and release it at a certain time or on a certain schedule. Some Gradual communities will event pre-load all their recorded sessions before the event and then hit “publish” as soon as the event is over to share content with the attendees.

Now that you’ve confirmed this, you can go ahead and go back into the video, click on  Edit Video and from there you can go and set it to 'Live' by hitting Publish!

💡 Pro Tip: Adding tags allows an easier way to group your videos so members can see like- items. If a relevant tag appears from the drop-down menu, feel free to create a new one.

The platform will also suggest users 'Watch more' videos using logic like the video's title, tags, and content to suggest other videos that may be of interest to the member.

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