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Community Contributions: Badging and Contributions
Community Contributions: Badging and Contributions
Updated over 2 months ago

Recognize the contributors to your community through customizable badging and recognition. You can recognize event organizers, speakers, hosts, content authors, and custom contributors on their profiles and a new Contributor Page.

If you’d like to start recognizing your contributors with badges, reach out to the Gradual team.

Configuring the Visibility of Community Contributions

From the dashboard, you can switch on or off the visibility of badges, rewards, the contributions listed on profiles, or the entire feature.

Turning on the contribution module visibility

By turning this feature on, all contributions and/or any enabled badges will appear on contributor profiles and on the contributor page (if enabled). To do this:

  1. Navigate to Contributors Contributions Settings and under Contribution Module Visibility, click on Edit.

  2. Select Turned On and click on Save.

Turning off contribution module visibility

By turning this feature on, no badges or contributions will appear on any profiles. To do this:

  1. Navigate to Contributors Contributions Settings and under Contribution Module Visibility, click on Edit.

  2. Select Turned Off and click on Save.

Contribution Recognition Modes & Page customization

There are now two modes to the contribution feature.

Badges-only mode

This mode is available in all tenants and allows you to recognize contributors with badges, a contributor board, and some level of customization.

From the Contribution settings page, you can opt to enable the Contributors Page and the Community Card:

Points+Badges mode

This mode includes the badges feature plus the ability to assign points and offer a rewards center to your members. This mode is an additional element - reach out to the Gradual team if you'd like to add this module.

From the Contribution settings page, you can opt to enable the Contributors Page and the Community Card, plus enable a rewards center.

Controlling the Visibility of Badges

You can configure which badges to show by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Contributors → Badges.

  2. Find the badge you would like to configure the visibility of, and click on the Edit icon.

  3. Click on the on/off button under Visibility to set the visibility and select Save.

If the Contributor Page is enabled, and the badge board is visible, you'll need to hide that board so the badge can be hidden.

Make that change in Contributors → Contributor Board → Customization → Toggle off the visibility of that board:

Show Badges Only [Hide Contributions List]

You can choose to show only badges at the top of the members' profiles, and hide the contribution list of events, content, etc. that the member contributed to.

Navigate to Contributors Contributions Settings and under Preferences toggle 'off' the 'Visibility of the contributions list in a member's profile' feature

Here is a profile with the contributions list and badges:

Here is a profile without the contributions list, just showing badges:

Show Contributions List Only [Hide Badges]

You may want to show contributions and recognition of the events and content by contributors without showing badges.

By turning off the visibility of all badges, you will be able to list the contributions at the base of profiles sans badges.

Enabling Contributor Page

Contributor module visibility must be turned on first if you would like to showcase your contributor page.

The following are the steps to enable the contributor page:

  1. Navigate to the Contributors tab, and to Contribution Settings.

  2. Make sure that the Contribution Module Visibility is turned on.

  3. Toggle on Display Contributor Page.


Contribution counts are listed beside the badges at the top of the member profile and on the contributor page.

A detailed list of published events (past, current, and future) that the member has contributed to are all included at the base of their profile, along with any published content pieces they have authored.

If a contributor is associated with an event or piece of content that is space-restricted:

  • If the member viewing is not part of the Space: it will not list that event or blog, but it will list ‘There are more exclusive events or content’ at the base of the list of contributions to indicate those access-restricted contributions.

  • If the member viewing is part of the Space: it will list that event or blog.


System Badges

To get you started, there are four badges available to enable, customize, and use in your community. The badges will appear at the top of the member’s profile, and on the contributor page, and include the name of the badge, description of recognition, and the contribution count.

Each badge below can be enabled, or disabled, and the text and graphics can be customized to fit your branding and language. Learn more about the customization of these badges below.

Currently, the connection to the contributors and relation to their role cannot be changed, so ‘Host’ will always relate and show on meeting room hosts if enabled, and cannot be changed to Panelists, etc. If you'd like to build a custom badge, follow the steps in this section below.

Currently, up to 50 badges, including 46 custom badges, are allowed per community.


This badge relates to and acknowledges event organizers. Organizers are the individuals who are listed in the Organized By section in General Info of a published event in the dashboard.

This badge does not acknowledge or show on the profiles of admins who create events in the dashboard or any individuals listed as organizers of unpublished events.


This badge relates to and acknowledges hosts in meeting rooms and roundtables. Hosts are the individuals who are assigned 'Host' in the dashboard setup of published meeting-type events, meeting rooms within published livestream event agendas, and roundtables within published livestream event agendas.

Learn how to assign Hosts and all of their controls and settings here.

This badge does not acknowledge or show on the profiles of those assigned 'Panelist', hosts of unpublished meetings or livestream events or hosts of community-level roundtables.


This badge relates to and acknowledges speakers in published events and video content pieces. Speakers are the individuals who have been added as one of Speakers for your published event or for a piece of your published video content in the dashboard. The image below shows a person added as Speaker in the video content edit page in the dashboard.

Learn how to add Speakers here.

Speakers must be linked to a member account to be acknowledged with a badge and contribution. The following image shows the speaker named Thomas Li is linked to a member account, whereas Theo Hellman is not.

Learn how to link Speaker profiles to member profiles here.


This badge relates to and acknowledges content authors. Authors are the individuals who have been added to the list of Authors on a piece of published blog or resource content in the dashboard.

Just like with speakers, authors must be linked to a member account to be acknowledged with a badge and contribution. Authors are included in the community Speakers list and you can link accounts there.

Learn how to link speaker and author profiles to member profiles here.

Custom Badges

You can now add up to 46 custom badges to your community to recognize your members. These badges can be assigned to any members of your community and can appear at the top of the member's profile, and on the contributor page. You can fully customize the badge graphic, name of the badge, and description of recognition to fit your branding and language. Learn more about building custom badges below.

Badge Customization

You can customize elements of the present, and system badges, and add your own badges to the community contributions.

Badge Graphic

This is the graphic that appears as a small icon in the profile, and in the pop-up that appears when a user hovers over the badge.

Choose or upload the best graphic to fit your branding.

  1. Navigate to Contributors → Badges.

  2. Select the Edit icon on the badge you'd like to customize.

  3. Select the Change button, and select a Present option or upload a custom graphic.

If uploading a custom graphic, we recommend it be a PNG format, 360x360 px, up to 5 MB in size.

Badge Name and Description

The title and description appear on the contributor’s profile and in the pop-up when a user hovers over the badge.

Name your badge and add a description to your badge, according to your community's branding:

  1. Navigate to Contributors → Badges.

  2. Select the Edit icon on the badge you'd like to customize.

  3. Enter the name in 'Badge Name' and the description in 'Badge Description'.

The maximum length of the badge name is 25 characters and the maximum length of the description is 75 characters.

Assigning badges to members

  1. Navigate to the Member's Profile.

  2. Select the Contributions tab.

  3. Select the 'Log Custom Contribution' button in the upper right.

  4. Select the contribution from the available (visible) badges, confirm or update the date and if there is a count associated with the contribution, add the total count.

  5. Save your work and the badge will now appear on that member's profile.

If you need to edit this contribution at any time, you will navigate to their profile and make the necessary edits.


See your contributors and their activity from the dashboard in the Contribution Logs tab.

Search for certain contributors or sort and filter by badge type, contribution or log.

Contributor Page

The Contributor page showcases the contributions of your community and features your top contributing members on a designated page.

Learn more about the contributor page and how to customize it here.

Points & Rewards

Your members can now earn and accumulate points for contributions made to the community, and redeem those engagement points for rewards. Customize the contributions tracked, badges offered, and redemption values so your community members are celebrated for their engagement and rewarded with valuable items related to the community.

This element is part of an additional module to the contributions feature, so if this would be a solution for your community, reach out to the Gradual team to chat.

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