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Event Landing Page
Event Landing Page
Updated over 4 months ago

Each event you build in Gradual has a robust and informative landing page to catch members' attention, provide logistical details, and promote speakers, agendas and more! This resource walks through the different elements of the landing page and how to customize or edit those pieces in the dashboard.

Event Banner

The event banner sits at the top of the landing page and features the main event details like title, date, and time and an event graphic. There are a few options for customizing the graphics and display of the banner (see below), but all event details pull directly from the information in the event dashboard, in General Info.

The action button will read 'Register' if the user is not registered for the event, or 'Join Event' if the user is registered. The button is the color selected as your 'Branding Theme Color' in Settings → Customization in the dashboard.

Standard or Default Banner

The standard banner includes the event cover image graphic on the left and event details on the right.

Dashboard & Setting Details

Event Cover Image: This image represents the event and is used throughout the community to showcase the event. Recommended format: 1200x628px | JPG | Up to 5 MB

Event details: Event title, date and time, etc. pull from the data entered in General Info → Basic Settings

Full-Width Image Banner

You can upload a larger image as the event banner. This image spans the full width of the page, and will populate the event details atop.

Dashboard & Setting Details

From the event dashboard, General Info → turn on 'Enable the full-width banner on Event Landing Page' and select 'Image'

Image: This image will only stand as the banner image on the event landing page, and not elsewhere in the platform. Recommended format:3600x1500px | JPG | Up to 5 MB

Event details: Event title, date and time, etc. pull from the data entered in General Info → Basic Settings

Full-Width Video Banner

You can upload a video to play as the event banner. This video spans the full width of the page, and will populate the event details atop.

Dashboard & Setting Details

From the event dashboard, General Info → turn on 'Enable the full-width banner on Event Landing Page' and select 'Video'

Video URL: Supports URLs ending with .mp4 and .m3u8, with a file size under 20 MB. We recommend using a wide aspect ratio, preferably 12:5. Section backgrounds resize automatically based on content and the visitor's browser window size. To minimize cropping, use videos with a horizontal or landscape aspect ratio.

First Frame Image: A screenshot image of the video's first frame. This is uploaded to avoid an empty banner before the video loads and ensure seamless playback. Recommended format:3600x1500px | JPG | Up to 5 MB

Event details: Event title, date and time, etc. pull from the data entered in General Info → Basic Settings


The event description pulls from the event dashboard General Info → Description. This block supports rich text, videos, images, gifs, hyperlinks, and more.

💡Pro Tip: Add Tags on the event and they appear above the description and help users learn more about the event at quick-glance.

Event Assets

There are several assets you can choose to display on the landing page to promote aspects of your event and garner more attention and easy promotion for the event.


Any speakers added to the event dashboard can appear as an event asset on the landing page, with a link to their bio.

Learn more about adding speakers here.

If you'd like to hide the speakers list from this page, you can in the Speakers tab of the event dashboard.


An interactive agenda for the event can appear as an event asset on the landing page. Users can browse the sessions by track, location, and learn more about the speakers and topics.

Learn more about agenda building here.

If you'd like to hide the agenda from this page, you can in the Agenda tab of the event dashboard.


List who's registered for the event, with a link to their community profile, and feature certain attendees at the top of the list.

If you'd like to hide the attendees list from this page, you can in the Attendees tab of the event dashboard. Also, any attendee set as 'Guest' or 'Staff' will not appear in the Attendees list.


Showcase photos of the event for users to view and download.

Learn more about event albums and how to turn on or off visibilty here.


Any sponsors added to the event can appear as an event asset on the landing page, with a link to their website.

Learn more about adding sponsors here.

If you'd like to hide the sponsor list from this page, you can in the Sponsors tab of the event dashboard.

Event Details Block

More event details can be found on the lower right-hand side of the page, in the event details block.

Ticket & Receipt

Ticket information for registrants can be found here and if a virtual ticket is loaded, it will populate here and when clicked, will link out to their personalized ticket and ticket page.

Receipt information for registrants can be found here and registrants can click 'View Receipt' for details, email the receipt to them, and if needed, cancel their registration from the receipt pop-up.

Event Time & Location

The page will indicate if the event is live and ongoing, a countdown until it is live, or a note that it has ended. The event time will appear in the local user's timezone or list 'event time zone' for hybrid events.

If the event is in-person, it will list the location or it will list 'Online' if it is a virtual event.

Organized By

You can indicate who or what organization is hosting each event from within the dashboard → General Info → Organized By. The system will automatically list the community as the organizer but if you'd like to list another organizer or individual, you can set that in the dashboard and it will appear here.

Add to Calendar

Users can add the event to their calendars from the landing page. The platform can add to most of the common calendars (Google, Outlook, etc.).

💡Pro Tip: We recommend integrating with Google Calendar to avoid the need for registrants to 'Add to Calendar'. If this integration is set up in the dashboard, when a user registers for an event, they’ll automatically receive a Google calendar invite that holds the time on their calendar and includes event information and the direct event link. Learn more about this integration here.

Social Sharing

Users can share on their social accounts or by email from the icons at the base of this block. The platform will link out to their social accounts, or email and provide a direct link to the event landing page.

Note: If the event is space-restricted the social sharing icons will not appear.

Visibility & Access

Find the direct link to the event landing page from the event dashboard → Overview page → Event Link

Unpublished Events

If an event is unpublished, the event landing page is accessible and visible by the direct link. Members can also still register for the event if it is unpublished.

All Members Access

If an event is restricted to 'All Members', the event landing page can only be accessed by members who are logged in.

Space Restricted events

If an event is restricted to 'Selected space(s) Only' the event landing page can only be accessed by those in the space(s).

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