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User Experience: Rewards Redemption
User Experience: Rewards Redemption
Updated over 2 months ago

Contributors can browse and shop your rewards center to see what they'd like and redeem their available points for items.

Rewards are part of an additional module to the contributions feature, so if this would be a solution for your community, reach out to the Gradual team to chat.

Rewards Center

The rewards center is fully customizable and is housed beside the leaderboard in the Contributors menu.

Contributors can browse the selection of rewards, see an image of the item, read a description, and assess the points needed to redeem to receive the item.

Redeeming Points

Contributors can use any of their available redeemable points in exchange for items in the rewards center. They will simply select 'Redeem' on the item they'd like.

Lifetime points: The total points recorded for a member, including those points that have been redeemed.

  • This point value is what is displayed on a member's profile

  • This point value is used for the contributor board ranking

Redeemable points: The total points available for redemption. Only includes points that have not been redeemed in the past from the rewards center.

  • This point value is only displayed to the member

Admins can cap the number of times a reward can be redeemed by one member, if they don't want members to redeem multiples of an item, or they have limited stock of items.

If a user hits the limit on the number of redemptions for a single reward, they will receive a pop up notification and will be blocked from redeeming more of that item.

Shipping address prompt

  • If a reward is a physical item that needs to be shipped, the system will prompt the contributor to enter their address and agree to share that address with the community admins.

  • If a reward is a digital item that doesn't need to be shipped, the system will simply collect the member's request and their email address.

Once they have redeemed their points for an item, they will receive a confirmation in their inbox, and those points will be deducted from their available redeemable point total.

Currently, the system will not notify the member when their redemption request has been officially processed and shipped. That communication must be written and sent by the community admin in their email

They will be notified if the redemption request is denied or refunded by an admin in the dashboard. An automated email will be sent with the reasoning selected by the admin.

Track Contributions & Redemptions

At any time, a contributor can see how many points they have accrued and their past or current redemptions.


The member's profile shows their total lifetime points and any badges they've received at the top.

The redeemable points available and a link to their redemption history can only be seen by the member themselves.

My Contributions

From the profile drop-down, or on the right-hand side of the Contributors tab, a member can access their 'My Contributions' tab. This page shows all of their contributions, any badges they've earned, the point values granted, and when.

Redemption History

From their profile, or from the profile drop down, a member can access their redemption history. This page shows all of their redeemed items, past or current, and the total points they've redeemed.

These upgrades to the contribution feature were released on December 15, 2024. Members' contributions before that date may not be accounted and point values will not appear for previous badges and contributions. Reach out to the Gradual team to bulk upload point values, or manually add them by following these steps.

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