Creating Tools (Community Sponsor Booths)

Utilizing Tools is a great way to feature Sponsors or Partners and their content to members of your community. There are tiers of Tools that allow you to provide engagement like roundtables, or feature content like PDFs and videos that are grouped by company or team. 

The Tools feature must be enabled on your account before you can create booths in the dashboard, and share on your community's front-end. Reach out to us if you'd like this feature enabled.

Building Tools

Log into your dashboard and select Tools from the menu on the left
Select the  + New Tool button in upper right, and fill out the required fields


'Partner': Most complex tier that allows for highest level of engagement (roundtables and live chat) and features like video or pdf uploads and lead capture.

'Featured': Middle tier that includes detail pages with descriptions and external links

'Curated': The simplest tier that directly links out to a website or external link

đź’ˇ Pro Tip: If you're unsure which tier to select, go with Partner as it'll allow for the most customization and features. 

Subtitle: Does your organization or company have a tag line or phrase? Mission statement or a catchy promo line? This is where that should live as it populates right below the title of your booth and helps with the SEO. This must be 100 or fewer characters.

Category: Choose up to four categories, themes or tags to associate with your booth. This will help members and event attendees find you if they’re searching for solutions in those categories. The selected categories will be listed under your title or name within your booth.

Website Url: This is where you’ll list your company’s website or URL where you’d like to direct traffic. 

Blurb: Include a detailed description of your organization, your booth and your services.

Host (for Messaging): Here you can add someone who will manage any messages that come from the Chat icon in your booth. The host must already be a member in the community. Assigned hosts will receive direct messages from interested visitors to the booth in their 'Messages' tab within the event, and in the main community. Hosts will be alerted of unread or new messages by email and from within Gradual.

Visibility: This toggles the visibility of your booth to visible or hidden.

Logo: This is the small logo of your company or organization that will populate within your booth cover and at the top of your sponsor booth page. 

Booth Cover: This is the image that populates on the sponsors page and advertises your booth to attendees. 

Remember…once you’ve made updates or changes to the booth, be sure to click Submit in the upper right hand side to save your work.

đź’ˇ Pro Tip:Once the Tool booth is created you can hand over the reigns to the sponsor or company lead to finish the build and personalize it.

Adding Booth Features

On the Overview page, you can also add Features to Partner booths that provide interaction opportunities and resources for the attendees.

At the base of the page, select +Add a New Feature. This will pop up a page where you can select which type of feature you’d like to upload and provide for members.

Live Video Chat Room: These are scheduled video chats with the host of the booth. When building this you’ll need to select a host and a time slot.

Round Table: These are scheduled video chats with any number of attendees and booth “staff” or members of your team. They can be themed or topic-based to drive conversation and anyone on the call can share their screen. When building this you’ll need to select a host and a time slot.

Product Video: Show videos to attendees - resources, promotional videos, etc. This feature will pop up a video player within Gradual, so the attendee doesn’t leave the booth.

Physical Swag: This allows you to collect the physical addresses of attendees to send them something physical.

Digital Swag: This allows an opt-in for attendees to indicate that they’d like to receive digital swag like emailed gift cards, etc.

PDF: Allow attendees to view and download a PDF resource.

External Link: This will send attendees to an external link or URL like your website. It will open the link in a new tab, automatically.

Feature Assets

Cover Image

Each Feature will need a title and a cover image loaded to advertise and promote it. Cover images should be 800px X 450px .jpg or .png.


Describe the feature with a short blurb or description. The text will display within the feature card so can be no more than 60 characters.

Lead Capture

Capture leads (name, email, title, and company) as people use and interact with the features. Enable this by toggling 'Lead Capture Requirement' on.

This is the pop up for members to agree to share their info

To see all the leads captured, you will navigate to the 'Leads Captured' tab, and you can export the data from the Export button in the upper right.

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