Recording Events

Recording your events and meetings is a great way to capture content live and continue to engage community members with replays and post-event content sharing.

Meetings & Roundtables

Meetings and roundtables can be recorded natively in Gradual by the assigned host(s) and they can record segments of the call, or the entire meeting.

Learn how to assign host(s) to a meeting or roundtable and the controls and features available to them here.

How to record a meeting or roundtable:

Select the Record button from the settings menu at the base of the screen

A pop-up will appear to confirm you want to start recording, select 'Yes, start recording'

Note: There is about a 10-second delay between when you select the record button, and when it starts actually recording. The recording icon in the upper left will be grey during that time.

Once recording, the recording icon in the upper left will turn to red and remain red until you end recording 
End the recording by selecting the  Record

All recordings are saved as mp4 files and are accessible from the admin dashboard, within the event, in the Recordings tab. If there are multiple recordings for one event, they will list in chronological order and show the duration of the recording in the Time column.

Manipulate and Configure the Recording View

The host(s) recording the meeting room will configure what will show in the recording using spotlights and screen sharing.

The default view when people join the meeting is "Gallery view" - where all attendees, speakers, and panelists are shown on the screen in a grid. If the host(s) takes no action, the recording will also show all attendees in a gallery view.

An example of gallery view


To feature speakers, panelists, or attendees in the recording view, hosts can spotlight those people and it will change the display for all attendees live in the call, and in the recording.

Those that are spotlit will be larger, and in the center screen and all other attendees will be shown across the top bar.

Spotlit participants are in the green box All other attendees are shown in the top bar, in the yellow box

Note: Pinning attendees will only override the hosts' personal view, and will not change the view for other attendees or on the recording.

Here is how a host spotlights a participant on the call:

Hover over the participant that you’d like to spotlight
Select the three-dot icon in the upper right-hand corner and select  Spotlight
To undo the spotlight, follow the steps above and select  Remove Spotlight

Note: You can spotlight multiple people at once, but cannot change the order/position of the spotlit participants.

Screen Sharing

Any slides, presentations, etc. that are being screen shared (by hosts or panelists) will be featured to all attendees live in the call, and in the recording. The screen share window, presentation or desktop will be larger, and in the center, with all attendees (including spotlit attendees and speakers) shown across the top bar during the screen share.

The screen share is in the green boxThe attendees are shown in the top bar, in the yellow box

Once the host or panelists stops screen sharing, the view will revert back to the last setting of spot-lit attendees.

Livestream Events

Gradual does not record livestream events natively, so be sure to hit record in the streaming service you are using to capture the event recording.

Post- Event Replays

After an event takes place you can publish the event recording and add it to the event as a Replay. This not only adds to the value of your content library but provides a great feature for anyone who has missed the event or wants to rewatch. This also ensures anyone returning to the event page can easily find the replay for that event.

For meetings and roundtables, all recordings are saved as mp4 files and are accessible from the admin dashboard, within the event, in the Recordings tab. If there are multiple recordings for one event, they will list in chronological order and show the duration of the recording in the Time column.

Learn more about publishing replays of events here.

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