Search results for July2024
7 articles found
Lobby & Waiting Room
You can now enable a Lobby (Waiting Room) for meeting events, where all attendees will wait in a lobby before being let into the call. If enabled, all attendees and panelists will need approval from
Community Homepage
Your community homepage showcases upcoming events, and popular content and can be customized to suit your engagement strategy, follow your branding, and drive members to the most engaging or crucial
Event Landing Page
Each event you build in Gradual has a robust and informative landing page to catch members' attention, provide logistical details, and promote speakers, agendas and more! This resource walks through
Ads and Banners
You can add Banners and Ads to your community to customize and brand your community and link to content and events within Gradual, or any external URL or website. Banners appear at the top of the
Meeting Events
Meeting events are a great way to provide an interactive video call meeting as a stand-alone event. Within the meeting room all the attendees can be on camera and audio, and meet ‘face-to-face'.
Branding Your Community
There are many places where you can brand your community and provide a consistent look and feel for your members. Domain You can be creative and strategic in selecting a domain for your community.
Event Reports
There are several self-service event reports available for download from the dashboard to help you better understand attendee engagement for all your virtual and in-person events. Within the event