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Club Settings & Customization
Club Settings & Customization
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Customize the look and feel of your Club homepage and the details and access levels of individual chapters and interest groups from the dashboard.

Club Settings

Club Visibility

This setting toggles the visibility of the module on or off in the community.

Note: The menu item on the front end in your community will only appear once there is at least one club in your dashboard.

Module Name

You can customize the name of the module across the community and in the dashboard. The module name will be displayed on the main navigation bar of your community and will replace the name "Clubs" in other areas of the community and in the dashboard.

The name can be no more than 10 characters.

Club List Page Layout Customization

The club list page is the homepage of chapters and interest groups in your community. It will display a banner, an interactive map, and a list of clubs.


The banner appears at the top of the page and allows customization of a background image and/or titling. It is optional and the visibility of the banner can be toggled off in the dashboard

If uploading a graphic, know that the titling will appear in white overlay and should follow the recommended format of 3600x500px | JPG | Up to 5 MB.


You can customize which appears first, Chapters or Interest Groups by dragging and dropping the module to the order you'd like.

Map (Chapters only)

Currently, the map is defaulted to appear and show all chapters with locations selected. The map's club locations will pull from the chapters module, and the locations selected from the location-picker. Members can interact with the map by dragging and focusing on regions to see where chapters are represented.

You can choose to move the map to appear below chapters or have it remain above chapters. You can also choose to disable the map entirely from Club Settings β†’ Club List Page Layout β†’ Chapters β†’ Map

Chapters Style

Chapters are the geographic clubs and can be listed on the page in a variety of ways. You can customize what 'chapters' are called in these settings, and how they are listed and displayed.


Change the name of 'Chapters' by selecting the edit button beside the name.

Names can be no more than 30 characters and once changed will be reflected across the platform.


Opt to have your chapters listed by cards, in list view with covers, or simply listed out. See examples of each layout option below.

Card layout:

List view with cover layout:

List view layout:


You can group your chapters by regions, and customize the name of those regions. Regions help organize the chapters but are optional to your club architecture. There can be up to 50 regions.

  • If there is only one region in your dashboard, and all clubs are assigned to that region, it will not appear on the club page for users to select.

  • If there are more than one region and clubs assigned to multiple regions, they will appear for users to select and see clubs assigned to that region.

You can add, reorder, rename them, or delete them entirely from this settings page, or from within the Chapters tab in your dashboard.

Interest Groups

Interest groups are clubs with no geographic location and can be listed on the page in a variety of ways. You can customize what 'interest groups' are called in these settings, and how they are listed and displayed.


Change the name of 'Interest Groups' by selecting the edit button beside the name.

Names can be no more than 30 characters and once changed will be reflected across the platform.


The default layout is cards, with indicators of how many members are in the groups, and how many events are being hosted within.


You can group your groups by categories, and customize the name of those categories. These help organize the interest groups but are optional to your club architecture. There can be up to 50 categories.

  • If there is only one category in your dashboard, and all clubs are assigned to that category, it will not appear on the club page for users to select.

  • If there are more than one category and clubs are assigned to multiple categories, they will appear for users to select and see clubs assigned to that category.

You can add, reorder, rename them, or delete them entirely from this settings page, or from within the Interest Groups tab in your dashboard.

Community Info Card

This graphic card provides an overview of your community on the Club homepage. You can opt to have this shown (by turning on visibility) or hide it on that page (by turning off visibility) in Club Settings.

By following these steps, customize and change this info card in your community Settings tab.

Club Detail Page Customization

You can customize what assets appear within the individual club pages and their overall format. The optional assets to include in a club (either chapter or interest group) are:

  • Local Leaders

  • Members

  • Events

  • Content

  • Albums

  • Custom Modules (x2):

Note: Changes made here will be reflected on all chapter and interest group pages

In-club Menu

You can provide members with an in-club menu to organize and display the assets available within each club. Toggle this menu on or off in the dashboard and configure the setup to your preferences.

Drag and drop the menu items to the order you like, and hide any assets you don't want to appear in the menu from the Setup button.

Note: Hiding a menu item from this in-club menu does not mean the asset won't appear on the clubs' pages, it simply means it will hide that menu item.

Visibility of Assets

Toggle the visibility on or off within the asset's block. A confirmation pop up will appear to confirm the change as it affects all clubs.


Change what the assets are titled by selecting the edit icon beside the text.


Drag and drop the asset blocks to reflect the order you'd like them to be listed on the clubs' pages.

Custom Modules

Add a custom module block that will link to another page within your community or an external website.

πŸ’‘Pro Tip: This is a great feature to link to a Forum Board, a Channel discussion, or other parts of the community!

Community Info Card

This graphic card provides an overview of your community on the Club homepage. You can opt to have this shown (by turning on visibility) or hide it on that page (by turning off visibility) in Club Settings.

By following these steps, customize and change this info card in your community Settings tab.

Bulletin Boards

Add calls to action or informative bulletin boards to the chapter pages that link to a URL.

  1. Select + New Bulletin Board button on right hand side

  2. List a title for your bulletin board (required), a description (optional), a button name (required), and the ULR link (required).

At any time you can edit or change these bullet boards, re-order them, or toggle their visibility off and on from the Club Detail Page. You can add up to two bulletin boards

Chapter & Interest Group Settings

Customize settings within each chapter or interest group from the club's dashboard page.

General Info


You can provide a geographic location for your Chapter if your chapters are location-based. The platform uses Google Maps to power the location picker in the dashboard. Location is optional and can be left blank if preferred.

You can have multiple chapters in the same location, if there are a number of clubs in the same city, with different memberships.


On the front end, if a location is loaded, and stands as the name of the chapter, it is displayed in red below on the Club homepage.

On the front end, the location is displayed as the title in red below on the club's detail page:


You can customize the name of the Chapter or Interest Group to whatever you'd like. If you're using the platform's location picker for a chapter, it will auto-populate the location in the Name field.

Note: There is a character limit of 40 for names and you cannot have two clubs with the same name. The system will show an error if a name is duplicated.


On the front end, the name is displayed in red below on the Club homepage


Organize your chapters into different regions for display on Gradual. Create regions or customize the region's titling and order in the Chapters tab.

Select the chapter's region from the drop-down within the chapter's dashboard page.


On the front end, regions are displayed in Green below and can be selected to showcase the list of chapters within the region:


Organize your groups into different categories for display on Gradual. Create categories, change titling, and reorder them in the Interest Groups tab.

URL Slug

You can customize the URL or have the platform create a unique default identifier slug.

Note: We recommend using the default URL as it is the unique identifier of your club and won’t be affected by changes to your club name.

If you use a custom URL, the previous default URL will become invalid.


Chapters and Interest Groups can be open, private, or secret to see or join by community members.

Note: The user must be a member of the community to join any club. If they're not signed in, they will be prompted to enter their email address when joining a club.

Open: All the club's assets (members, events, content, etc.) are visible for visitors to the community, and it is open for members to join.

Private: Only the club's homepage is visible to visitors and members must join by invitation, via external sign-up or member accounts can be created by community administrators in the dashboard.

Secret: The club and its homepage are un-discoverable for visitors and member accounts must be created by community administrators in the dashboard.


Upload a cover image for your chapter or group. This image will be displayed on the Club homepage if the card or cover layout is selected.

Recommended format: 600x300px | JPG | Up to 5 MB

Landing page Banner

Upload a banner image for the chapter or group. This image will be displayed on chapter or group's page behind the title, join club button and introduction.

Recommended format: 3414x800px | JPG | Up to 5 MB


Toggle the visibility of the entire chapter or group on or off.


Members of the club can be added, sorted, and exported from this tab within the club. The member export includes all profile data, including their bios and avatars.

Note: A user must be a member of the community to be added to a chapter or interest group.

You can now include a list of members, with their avatars and links out to their profiles as an asset to your club!


Add up to 10 club members as leaders or featured members in your club. These leaders are the only member profiles listed within the chapter or group.

Note: A user must be a member of the club to be added as a Leader.

These leaders are featured as an asset on the club's page. Their profiles are displayed prominently so other members can easily access their profiles or message them.

The name or title can be changed from 'Local Leaders' to whatever you'd like in Club Settings.


Chapter and group events are built and accessible from within the Clubs or Events tab in the dashboard.


Building a club event follows the same steps as community events and can be created within the Chapter tab, or the Events tab in the dashboard.

Access, Registration & Promotion

By default, events built within the club will only be visible and allow for registrations from within the chapter or club page, not from the main Events menu.

Note: Registrants of club-level events will automatically be added as club members upon event registration - from the front end, or from within the dashboard.

You can promote the event at the community level from within the dashboard, and it will list the event on the club page, and at the community level on the homepage and events page. This also allows all community members to register to attend, not just club members.


Content can be created and accessible from within the Clubs or Events tab in the dashboard.


Building a content piece follows the same steps as community content and can be created within the Chapter or Interest Club tab, or the Content tab in the dashboard.

Access & Promotion

By default, content published within the club will only be visible within the chapter or club page, not from the main Content menu.

You can promote club content at the community level from within the dashboard, and it will list the piece within the chapter or club page, and at the community level on the homepage and content page. This also allows all community members to read or watch the content, not just club members.


The albums within chapters or groups are linked to events within that chapter and follow the same access settings as the event. To add photos to the club, you must first add them to an event within the group or chapter.

Once there are albums within events and the club, you can re-sort them to cater to your preferred order or opt to hide them from the front end.

Learn more about event and community albums here.


Grant club leaders permission to make updates, create content, and host events with the club via Permissions. Learn more about how to assign these permissions and what these club collaborators can do here.


Track engagement and activity in your clubs from the Club Overview page. Learn more about the data and metrics provided on this page here.

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