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Content Comments
Content Comments

Members can react and comment on videos, blogs or resources, and start conversations surrounding the content pieces.

Updated yesterday

Spark up conversations and engagement on your community's content - with a new comment section on videos and blog/resource pages. Members can react and engage through thumbs up reactions, comments and threaded replies.

This feature and its elements are available to all communities and can be turned on for singular content pieces one-by-one, or populated on all content pieces with a system settings change.


This feature and its elements can be turned on for singular content pieces one-by-one, or populated on all content pieces with a system settings change.

Note: Only published content pieces can receive comments, replies, and reactions

Enabling the feature & its elements across all content pieces

If you want all content pieces to have the comment block and/or reactions, elements can be turned on or off in the dashboard.

All content pieces will have a comment block and/or reactions by turning this on in the Settings tab - if you prefer to enable it on a piece-by-piece basis, do not enable the feature and its elements in Settings, but follow the directions below on the content piece.

  1. Log into your dashboard and navigate to the 'Content' tab on the left

  2. Select 'Comments'

  3. Select the 'Settings' button in the upper right

  4. Check the box or boxes beside each of the elements you'd like to have available to members on the content comments

When this feature and its elements are enabled in the dashboard, the comments block, or thumbs-up element will be available on all videos, blogs, and resources in the community.

You cannot only have comments on blogs, or only on videos; it's for all content types or no content types with this setting.

Enabling the feature & its elements on a content piece

This feature and its elements can be enabled and visible on singular content pieces, rather than on all content pieces.

Be sure that the feature/elements are turned off at the Settings level (steps above) and then follow the steps below to add it to a single piece of content.

  1. Log into your dashboard and navigate to the piece of content you'd like to add comments and/or reactions to

  2. Select 'Edit' or scroll to the base of the content dashboard page

  3. Check the box or boxes beside each of the elements you'd like to have available to members on this content piece

  4. Select 'Submit' to save your work

This enablement on the content piece will override the system settings, and the comment block and/or reactions will appear on this content piece.

Note: Only published content pieces can receive comments, replies and reactions

Feature Elements

Content Thumb Up

This allows members to react to content with a thumbs-up vote, to show they 'like' the video or blog.

If this is not selected, the thumbs-up icon will not appear at the base of the content piece.

Comments - Allow members to comment on the content

This allows members to comment on videos, blogs, or resources in the community and reply to other members' comments.

If this is not selected, the comment block will not appear at all, and members cannot comment on the content.

Comments - Require Review

If selected, every single comment and reply must be reviewed and approved by dashboard admins before appearing in the community. These include comments and replies made by the dashboard or content admins. If a comment or reply is edited, it will need to be reviewed again to publish to the front end.

Members will receive an alert that their comment is pending review at the initial posting, and that alert will disappear when the post is published and live (via admin) on the front end.

If turned off, all comments and replies will be approved automatically and appear in the community upon posting.

Reviewing Comments

All comments and replies made on content pieces appear in the dashboard for admins and content collaborators to take action. These include comments made by the dashboard or content admins.

Dashboard Admins and Collaborators at the Manager or Admin level are the only admins who can see and take action on comments from their dashboards.

To access all the comments and replies, navigate to the Content tab in your dashboard, and to the Comments page.

You can search by status, comment, commenter or by the piece of content where the comment was made. This page also helps link out to the content piece, the comment in question and gives you a quick glance at engagement, and the status of each comment.

Actions you can take on a comment or reply:

  • No action: Keeping the comment or reply in pending

  • Publish: Comment or reply will appear on the front end live for community members

  • Delete: Comment or reply will be removed on the front end live for community members


As the admin, you cannot change the text of a comment or reply, but you can take action to hide or publish any comments or replies in the community from the dashboard.

Gradual's native moderation tools will auto-delete any profane comments that include inappropriate language from the front end. These comments will appear in the dashboard for admins' review, and if the admin deems them appropriate, can be re-published to appear on the front end.

Currently, there are no limits to the number of comments or replies a member can make in a period of time, so if you are concerned with spamming, be sure to turn on 'Comments - Require Review' in the Settings. This allows you to control which comments are published to other members on the front end.


Only published content pieces support comments and reactions, so if you must take action to hide all comments you can unpublish the content piece and it will hide all comments, reactions, and the piece from the front end of the community immediately.

User Experience

Once this feature is turned on in your community, members can easily react and engage with your content!

Members must be signed in & onboarded to like content pieces, post comments, or threaded replies.

  • If they are not already signed in, the sign-in prompt will appear and they will need to log in to proceed.

  • If they've not completed their profile, the onboarding form prompt will appear and they will need to complete their profile to proceed.

The user's profile will appear on the comment or reply they post and the system will track who posted what comment or reply in the dashboard.

Note: Users at the Limited Approval and Guest access level can see comments, but cannot make comments, replies or react to content pieces.


To show they like a piece of content, members can simply click the thumbs-up icon at the base of the content piece.


To comment on the piece of content, members can simply click into the text box, type out their thoughts, and select 'Comment' to enter their comment post. Emojis are also available for members to use!

Note: Users must be signed in to make comments or replies

Comments that Require Review

If this setting is enabled, all members' comments must be reviewed and approved by dashboard admins before appearing on the front end in the community. Once they have posted, they will see a small Pending Review icon appear. Once approved, that comment will be visible to everyone on the front end in the community.

Reply to Comment

To reply to a comment, members can simply click 'Reply', type out their thoughts, and select 'Reply' to enter their reply. Emojis are also available for members to use!

The system will thread the reply to the original comment or reply to keep it together.

Note: Users must be signed in to make comments or replies

React to Comment or Reply

To clap or react to a comment, members can simply click the clap icon and the system will log it as a reaction to the comment or the reply.

Access to Comments

If a content piece is restricted to spaces, or members only, the comments and reactions will be available and visible to only those in the space, or only to members who are logged in.

Unpublished content does not support comments, replies or reactions.


Members can sort and filter the comments by Latest or Popular using the drop down in the upper right.

  • Latest will show which comments are newest, or have received the most recent replies.

  • Popular will show which comments have received the most reactions or replies.



If a member receives a reply or reaction to their comment, they will receive a notification in the platform and/or via email for them to see and be linked back to their comment to review the reply.

Speakers and Authors

If a speaker or author is assigned to the content piece and they have an active account (an email address associated with their profile), they will receive notifications when their video or blog receives comments.

Learn more about speaker profiles and how to assign them to content here.

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