Search results for August2024

11 articles found

  • Club Overview Page: Data and Metrics

    See and track the engagement and activity in your clubs from the Club Overview page in your Club dashboard. All Clubs Data Club Members This section of the page shows the total number of club members

  • Email Notification Preferences

    Members receive batch notifications by email when they have activity on their Forum posts, unread direct message(s), and to remind them when there is an upcoming event they're registered for. At any

  • Post-Event Survey

    After your event ends, it's great to gather information from attendees on their experience, and input on improvements for future events. We recommend creating a quick survey for each of your events

  • Club Collaborator Permissions

    Empower your club leaders to create content, host events and manage the membership of your chapters and interest groups by granting them permission and access to a limited clubs dashboard. You can

  • Admin Activity Log

    Major setting changes, additions, and customizations made by dashboard admins are now tracked in your community dashboard in Settings → Activity Log. This log helps admins see who and when changes

  • In Person Event Mobile App

    Gradual offers an event mobile app to elevate your in-person & hybrid events and engage your attendees through several interactive and helpful features. Attendee Engagement Event attendees are

  • Clubs: Chapters & Interest Groups

    Feature your community's geographical chapters or interest groups; promote their events, content, and leadership through Clubs. From the Clubs page, members can explore chapters from an interactive

  • Forum Posts & Engagement

    Members must be logged in to see the Forum and must have a complete profile to make posts or comments and engage in the conversation. Any members that are marked 'Limited Approval' will not be able

  • Club Settings & Customization

    Customize the look and feel of your Club homepage and the details and access levels of individual chapters and interest groups from the dashboard. Club Settings Club Visibility This setting toggles

  • Event Reports

    There are several self-service event reports available for download from the dashboard to help you better understand attendee engagement for all your virtual and in-person events. Within the event

  • Event Attendee & Chat Management

    As the host of an event, it’s important to moderate the chat, spotlight the messages that are important for all to see, and take action if chats are inappropriate and members are disruptive. There