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Club Overview Page: Data and Metrics
Club Overview Page: Data and Metrics
Updated over 4 months ago

See and track the engagement and activity in your clubs from the Club Overview page in your Club dashboard.

All Clubs Data

Club Members

This section of the page shows the total number of club members as of today, and any new members added to any club since yesterday.

There is a dynamic graph that also shows new members by day, week, or month.

Club Events

This section of the page shows the total number of club events (both published and unpublished) as of today and any new events created since yesterday. There is a dynamic graph that also shows new events created by day, week, or month.

Club Content

This section of the page shows the total number of club content pieces (both published and unpublished) as of today, and any new pieces created since yesterday. There is a dynamic graph that also shows new content pieces created by day, week, or month.

Club Statistics

This section of the page shows data of each club: access type, total members, total events (published and unpublished), and total content (published and unpublished). You can sort these columns by selecting the arrows at the top of each column.

All Chapters Data Page

See the member, event, content, and data for all your chapters on this page.

All Interest Groups Data Page

See the member, event, content, and data for all your interest groups on this page.

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