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Club Collaborator Permissions
Club Collaborator Permissions
Updated this week

Empower your club leaders to create content, host events and manage the membership of your chapters and interest groups by granting them permission and access to a limited clubs dashboard.

Club Collaborators Settings

As a dashboard admin, you can set settings for club collaborators, add profile badges to their accounts, and more from the admin dashboard.

Access & Change Management Settings

Since different communities have varying preferences for the club collaborators' permission scopes, we've added a preference setting to the Club Settings tab to allow or block club admins from assigning, removing, or changing fellow club collaborators' access settings.

Navigate to the Club Settings tab in the admin dashboard, and to the Club Management Settings. You can decide if those with Club Admin permissions can add, remove or change fellow collaborator's accounts or permissions.

Note: These settings do not apply to Club Managers or Club Editors, they cannot make changes to fellow club collaborators and permissions.

Cannot manage their club permission

This blocks Club Admin level collaborators from adding, deleting, or changing fellow collaborators' settings. Any action taken on all levels of club collaborators must be handled by the dashboard admins.

Can manage the club's managers and editors

This allows Club Admin level collaborators to add, delete, or change collaborators' settings who are assigned Club Manager or Club Editor. Any action taken on Club Admin level collaborators must be handled by the dashboard admins.

Can manage the club's managers, editors and other admins

This allows Club Admin level collaborators to add, delete, or change fellow collaborators' settings that are assigned to all levels: Club Admin, Club Manager or Club Editor.

Add Profile Badges

You can now add a creator profile badge to these users' profiles - Learn more here.

Track Engagement & Club Collaborator activity

Track all your clubs' engagement and metrics as a dashboard admin on the Club Overview page. This page is not accessible by club collaborators but is a great way for community admins to see their activity.

Add Club Collaborators

Adding Permissions to a club is handled within the chapter or interest group and must be done by a dashboard admin.

  1. From the dashboard, navigate to Clubs and to the chapter or interest group where you would like to grant access for a member

  2. Select the +Add Permission button in the upper right and search and select the member you'd like to grant permission.

Note: This list shows all community members, not just members of the club.

3. Select the Permission level you'd like to grant this member

Permission Levels

Club Editor

This level has access to the limited club dashboard.

They can:

✅ Edit and manage content pieces and events in the dashboard

They cannot:

❌ Manage or change high-level settings & customizations

❌ Invite members, leaders, or event attendees

❌ Create, publish or delete events, content or other modules within the club

❌ Promote events to the community level

❌ They do not have access to member data like emails

❌ Generate member and attendee exports

❌ Add club permissions

Club Manager

This level has access to the limited club dashboard.

They can:

✅ Manage or change some settings & customizations (introduction, graphics, and visibility of the club)

✅ Invite members, leaders and event attendees

✅ Create, edit, and publish events, content or other modules within the club

✅ Generate member and attendee exports

They cannot:

❌ Delete events, contents or modules

❌ Promote events to the community level

❌ They do not have access to member data like emails

❌ Add club permissions

Club Admin

This level has access to the limited club dashboard but can do nearly everything a dashboard admin could do.

They can:

✅ Manage or change all settings & customizations

✅ Invite members, leaders and event attendees

✅ Create, edit, publish and delete events, content or other modules within the club

✅ Promote events to the community level

✅ Generate member and attendee exports

✅ They have access to member data like emails

4. Select 'Save' and this member will now see that club by accessing

Clubs Dashboard

The dashboard link is also

The dashboard these users have access to is limited to just the club where they are assigned. It does not grant them access to the full dashboard with community settings, and other features.

Clubs Settings & Customization

For more information on the club settings and customization options available for chapters and interest groups, visit this resource.

Club Assets

Club Events

For more information on creating and managing events, visit these resources.

Note: By default, events built within the club will only be visible and allow for registrations from within the chapter or club page, not from the main Events menu.

You can promote the event at the community level from within the dashboard, and it will list the event on the club page, and at the community level on the homepage and events page. This also allows all community members to register to attend, not just club members.

Club Content

For more information on creating and managing content, visit these resources.

Note: By default, content pieces built within the club will only be visible within the chapter or club page, not from the main Content page.

You can promote content at the community level from within the dashboard, and it will list the content piece on the content page and at the community level on the homepage. This also allows all community members to digest the content, not just club members.

Club Albums

The albums within chapters or groups are linked to events within that chapter and follow the same access settings as the event. To add photos to the club, you must first add them to an event within the group or chapter.

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